Friday, August 6, 2021




In M3 we have been learning about how many medals each activity is in the Nz Olympics,I really enjoyed this tasks because we had to decorate a chart and made it clear to read this is mine, Next time i will change the colors of the title color so it is easier to read.


  1. Hi Atiulagi

    Hope all is going well in your bubble at home?

    Well done for all the information that you have included in your graphs about the Olympics. You really have made a couple of impressive graphs.
    It would be good next time to make your work a little bigger so that it is a bit easier to read.
    I do like the colours that you have used though.
    What was your favourite event to watch at the Olympics. I enjoyed all of the track and field events. They are always good to watch.

    Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading some more of your work while you are learning from home during lockdown.

    Until next time

    Mrs Costello :)

  2. Well done, Atiulagi. You have made two different types of graph. Please write something about what you are doing today as well.


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